Solutions Challenge


Solutions Challenge

20 July 2021

“Collective Solutions to Common Challenges”

Around the world, global health policy leaders and associations are convening global leaders, publishing research and policy articles, and releasing “call to action” initiatives for political leaders and health system institutions to adopt and implement. Many of these recommendations are framed within the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.  Local change agents and networks can be better able to respond to local complexities and optimize local assets when they have the appropriate knowledge and tools to translate policy and knowledge into action.
TUFH’s 2021 Solutions Challenge integrates a Collective Impact Model within the Pentagram Partnership Framing.  In Collective Impact, the ecosystem partners identify the common problem, establish a common agenda, determine shared measurements, agree upon mutually reinforcing activities, and establish a system for transparent reporting and accountability. To inspire local change, the pentagram partnership of health professionals (medicine, nursing, pharmacy, dentistry, physiotherapy, and midwifery), health administrators, policymakers, academic institutions, and communities must be convened.  

TUFH Solutions Challenge participants will collectively apply the concepts of Collective Impact to TUFH’s 3 Priority Areas of Interest resulting in 3 “blueprints” that will be incorporated into a conference declaration for 2021-2022.   

To align a global community to agree upon a common problem, goal(s), mutually reinforcing activities, and common measurements regarding 1) Community Partnerships to Improving Community Health and Wellbeing; 2) Interprofessional Education and Team-Based Care, and 3) Social Accountability Institutional Assessment and Verification.

To collectively address a common goal through common measurements resulting in global progress and reporting on these goals. 

Common Problems for Consideration

Community Partnerships to Improving Community Health and Wellbeing

  • Primary health care services are limited in tertiary-level healthcare-focused countries (US, India).
  • Inequities in Health Care in Low- and Middle-income Countries and Remote and Rural communities. Is telemedicine a possible solution?

Interprofessional Education and Team-Based Care

  • Interprofessional Education and Collaboration are not the reality in school health curricula.
  • The hierarchy of medical systems does not promote the integration of all hospital staff.

Social Accountability Institutional Assessment and Verification

  • Clinical medical education is limited (i.e. clinical practice) in an online setting.
  • There is a current mass burnout/dropout rate due to the mental health burden among the health workforce, including students, due to the pandemic.

Tuesday, July 20th, 2021 04:00 – 04:45 AM UTC +0 (45 Minutes)

Collective Impact Theory Overview

  • Common Problem
  • Common Goals
  • Mutually Reinforcing Activities
  • Common Measurements

Tuesday, July 20th, 2021 04:45 – 05:00 AM UTC +0 (15 Minutes) – Break

Tuesday, July 20th, 2021 05:00 – 07:00 AM UTC +0 (2 hours)

3 Breakout Groups

         Community Partnerships to Improving Community Health and Wellbeing

  • Workshop A (45 Minutes)
  • Workshop B (45 Minutes)
  • Common Themes/On Going Challenges (30 Minutes)

    Education and Team Based Care
  • Workshop C (45 Minutes)
  • Workshop D (45 Minutes)
  • Common Themes/On Going Challenges (30 Minutes)

    Social Accountability
    Institutional Assessment and Verification
  • Workshop E (45 Minutes)
  • Workshop F (45 Minutes)
  • Common Themes/On Going Challenges (30 Minutes)

Tuesday, July 20th, 2021 07:00 – 07:30 AM UTC +0 (30 Minutes) – Break

Tuesday, July 20th, 2021 07:30 – 09:30 AM UTC +0 (2 hours)

3 Breakout Groups

Collective Impact Application to Common Themes/On-Going Challenges

  • Common Goals by Group
  • Mutually Reinforcing Activities by Group
  • Common Measurements by Group

Tuesday, July 20th, 2021 09:30 – 09:45 AM UTC +0 (15 Minutes) – Break

Tuesday, July 20th, 2021 09:45 – 10:30 AM UTC +0 (45 minutes)

Collective Reporting

Each group will have 10 minutes to report back to all participants.

  • Common Problems for Consideration
  • Common Starting Goals
  • Mutually Reinforcing Activities
  • Common Measurements
  • Final recommendations
Workshops A-F

Priority Area 1: Health Equity and Workforce

Workshop A:  Lessons from delivering an online workshop on intervention design during the MSc Public Health at the University of Limerick – Dervla Kelly, Sonika Raj Goel, Nuha Ibrahim, Steve MacDonald, Khalifa Elmusharaf

The importance and demand for public health teaching are greater than ever before since the COVID-19 global pandemic emerged. The workshop is designed for facilitators of public health intervention design lessons. The overall aim of our lessons was to teach Masters in Public Health Students how to design interventions consolidating their course work to date. Our teaching lessons had 5 core goals: to take a systems-based approach, to recognize when to adapt interventions to context, to link intervention design to theory, and also to teach soft skills about applying intervention design in real-world settings.
 The intended learning outcomes of the workshop are: 1) Identify key elements for successful intervention design workshop and discuss strategies for transfer to a virtual workshop format; 2) Reflect on shared experiences & consider different stakeholder perspectives, frustrations, and benefits; 3) Summarise learnings for delivering an intervention design workshop in a virtual environment.
 We will present our public health intervention design curriculum, our teaching techniques, and advice for transferring to a virtual format. The workshop will have 3 sessions. We will begin with introductions and an overview of our curriculum and our experiences moving to an online format. We will then use small group discussion to explore technical aspects of setup, techniques to engage and support learners online, and curriculum dynamics such as synchronous learning and reflective practices. Finally, we will wrap up with a discussion of our findings and future directions for ensuring the quality of learning online led by facilitators.

Workshop B:  Engage communities, learn, share to be partners in improving community health and wellbeingShakuntala Chhabra, Roger Strasser, Ray Markham

For healthy rural communities, it is essential that they get the required care but the road for services is slippery. When care finally reaches, crossing various barriers, communities do not always accept because of their own concepts, beliefs, modes of therapies to remain healthy. For community health services it is essential to understand what our community’s health needs, going beyond felt needs, what are they doing on their own, understand philosophy, find gaps, work on what is to be supplemented, going with communities, not to communities. For example is, it is well known that birth at a health facility reduces maternal deaths, severe illnesses. So health facilities are created. Facilities must have the required infrastructure, have to be accessible, affordable, acceptable for women who need to use them. If they do not use it, the purpose is lost. They may not use them because of their own beliefs or because of a faulty health system. Gaps need to be identified. Understanding gaps must start from the care of newborns, adolescents, pregnancy, abortion, birth, other age groups. It is essential to analyze to best serve needy communities. There are enablers, barriers, challenges in crossing barriers too. All these need brainstormings.
• Introduction of theme, presentations by facilitators.
• Group Work- maximum 40 participants, 4 groups with a specific mission to each group about theme, enablers, barriers, challenges
• Facilitators collect information from each group from group leaders in the plenary of the workshop. All participants of the groups discuss the mission of each group.
• Final discussion on the main theme and recommendations


Priority Area 2: Interprofessional and Intersectorial

Workshop C:  The Critical Role of Nursing in the Global Improvement of Primary Care and Population Health – Tine Hansen-Turton, Vibeke Westh, Frances Hughes, Dianne Morrison-Beedy

Nursing has played a critical role in global health for centuries. It represents the largest healthcare workforce in the world and a key partner of medicine. Nursing has continued to evolve and has become the leader in addressing social determinants and population health. It also has highlighted a key area to improve valued-based healthcare and productivity, through new models of care and practice at top of license. This workshop takes the audience through key historic and professional moments in nursing from Florence Nightingale, who laid the foundation for professional nursing, to Loretta Ford, who created the Nurse Practitioner role, which is becoming dominant primary care and mental health resource in many countries to meet population health needs. Topics that will be addressed include nursing education, leadership, provider-patient relationships, contributions to social innovation and entrepreneurship, and system and policy change through collective ecosystem collaborations. Finally, the workshop shares three case studies of the evolution of nursing in Denmark, New Zealand, and the United States. Participants will gain knowledge of the role of nursing in various service delivery models which they can apply in their own contexts.

Workshop D: Developing Partnerships: Exploring the evolution of successful interprofessional and intersectoral collaborations in a residency training program – Daubney Boland, Danielle Fitzsimmons-Pattison, John Andazola, Mary Alice Scott 

The Southern New Mexico Family Medicine Residency Program was established to increase the number of physicians in an underserved state. The social mission of the program has evolved over the years as efforts have continued to adapt in order to meet the needs of the community. Our program was an early adopter of interprofessional education. Interprofessional practice is core to the delivery of quality patient care. The World Health Organization (2012) states that in this climate, it is not enough for professionals of different healthcare disciplines to work within the same agency, but to actually train and practice collaboratively. It can help reduce medical error, broaden the depth of services our patients and families can receive, and support our healthcare team members and even protect them against burn-out. True interprofessional work takes practice and training. In addition, the program has continued to evolve and has developed intersectoral community relationships to meet the needs of the community and adopt an outward-facing approach. Establishing community relationships was even more key during the COVID-19 pandemic; our program was instrumental in bringing together groups to develop a Covid-to-Home/Hotel (C2H) program that was vital in freeing up much-needed hospital bed space, making it possible to care for the most urgent in need, while reducing further exposure or hardship to patients with mild to moderate symptoms of COVID-19. This initiative helped mitigate some of the effects of covid on our community. The program brought together local government, universities, residency programs, and technology companies to care for patients at home. Rapidly developing a response during such a critical context has significant challenges, however, due to longstanding intersectional relationships, we were able to quickly mobilize the community to implement this program. In this workshop, we will briefly discuss the evolution of interprofessional education and intersectoral care at our program as well as our adaptations during the COVID -19 pandemic to continue to meet the needs of our patients and community.

In this workshop, we will
1. Learn specific strategies to work effectively in teams such as ways to identify a shared purpose and specific communication strategies
2. Identify ways to make connections with interprofessional and intersectoral groups (Regular communication, Roles Clarification)
3. Attendees will start to identify what professionals need to be at the table in order to meet community and patient needs.

Priority Area 3: Social Accountability

Workshop E: Inspiring Academic Health Institutions and Systems to behave as Socially Accountable Organizations defined as responding to people and society’s priority health needs today and in the future – Toyese Oyeyemi, Jose Francisco Garcia Gutierrez, Abdullah Al-Khafajy

Social Accountability is a beacon to help health actors to “better respond to people and society’s priority health needs today and in the future.”  Increasing the social accountability of health workforce education institutions and their graduates is now being recognized as an effective mechanism to maximize their positive impact on health and health system strengthening. Global frameworks and policy guidance are embracing social accountability strategies to improve the quantity, quality, and relevance of health workforce education to ensure that countries have well-trained interprofessional teams ready and willing to work with and in communities to address their health needs, wherever they live.  Applying social accountability principles provides a mechanism for institutions to increase equity in education, conduct research relevant to population health needs, and improve access and quality of health care delivery services, an essential goal for socially accountable institutions.  Objectives This workshop will provide an overview of three Social Accountability Assessment Tools (IFMSA, ISAT, and Beyond Flexner Alliance: Social Mission Metrics Initiative) and related strategies to move institutions and systems to “better respond to people and society’s priority health needs today and in the future. ”By the end of the workshop, participants will be able to:1)   Describe the similarities and differences between the three social accountability tools and initiatives.2)   Describe the process to engage key institution and health system stakeholders to advance an institution to become more accountable to people and society’s priority health needs.3)   Translate the tools and process toward applicability within their own institution and/or ecosystem.

Workshop F: Students and Patients Collaborations Towards Active Patients’ Involvement in Medical EducationMaria Al Rachid, James Young, Fereshteh Bagheri

The Standing Committee on Medical Education (SCOME) of The International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations (IFMSA), advocates for quality medical education, and focused this year on Patient’s Involvement in Medical Education (PIME). Being a game-changer for the role of patients in medical education, PIME led faculties to aim to engage patients in several aspects such as teaching, assessment, curriculum development, and students’ selection. IFMSA considers it a responsibility to promote this issue among students, assess their perspective, and advocate for its implementation.

To introduce the participants to the role of meaningful PIME.
To demonstrate the current status quo of PIME globally.
To promote concrete actions throughout the IFMSA toolkit to advocate for and implement PIME.
To emphasize the Patient-Student partnership and its role in advancing Healthcare worldwide.

During the workshop, data extracted from a Global Assessment on the perspective of medical students worldwide and Patient Involvement within their curriculum will be shared. Additionally, a toolkit in collaboration with the International Alliance for Patients’ Organizations is being developed to provide students and patients an advocacy tool with a scoring grid, skills, and knowledge and will be presented. Small group discussions will take place to reflect on the importance of students – patients collaboration in accomplishing dual student and patient-centered medical education.

Learning outcomes:
Participants will gain knowledge backed up with data on PIME at a global scale.
Participants will identify the role of active PIME, and will possess a tool allowing them to advocate for its implementation.

When you register for TUFH 2021 you can choose between the FULL Conference ticket and the 3 DAYS Conference ticket.
To attend the Solutions Challenge, you need to register for the FULL Conference ticket.